Updated: Sep 3, 2024, 1:00 PM Status
New York Terminal (time 07:22)
Weather today
Humidity 70%
Wind speed 14 km/h
Weather alert -
Current status

Products get to New York reasonably quickly after purchase. It takes a variable amount of time to load them, but once they're loaded, ships set off fairly promptly and reach their destination in an average amount of time.

From the moment of purchase to arrival at the terminal

5-11 days

From arrival at the terminal to loading into the container*

3-31 days

From loading into the container to the ship's departure

2-13 days

From the ship's departure to the ship's arrival

15-21 days
Savannah Terminal (time 07:22)
Weather today
Humidity 89%
Wind speed 12 km/h
Weather alert -
Current status

Products arrive pretty fast at Savannah after you buy them. Loading doesn't take too long, but there's a wide range of time for ships to set off. The sea journey can take a while.

From the moment of purchase to arrival at the terminal

5-11 days

From arrival at the terminal to loading into the container*

2-17 days

From loading into the container to the ship's departure

3-37 days

From the ship's departure to the ship's arrival

17-23 days
Houston Terminal (time 06:22)
Weather today
Humidity 86%
Wind speed 17 km/h
Weather alert -
Current status

At the Houston Terminal, products arrive at a typical speed after purchase. The loading process can sometimes stretch, and the ships, after being loaded, take a moderate time to reach their destinations.

From the moment of purchase to arrival at the terminal

6-14 days

From arrival at the terminal to loading into the container*

8-30 days

From loading into the container to the ship's departure

4-29 days

From the ship's departure to the ship's arrival

20-21 days
Los Angeles Terminal (time 04:22)
Weather today
Humidity 93%
Wind speed 4 km/h
Weather alert -
Current status

Los Angeles might keep you waiting a bit longer for your products to arrive. Loading is fairly standard, but the good thing is ships can sometimes depart immediately. However, the sea journey is among the longest.

From the moment of purchase to arrival at the terminal

4-14 days

From arrival at the terminal to loading into the container*

5-18 days

From loading into the container to the ship's departure

1-25 days

From the ship's departure to the ship's arrival

31-48 days
Indianapolis Terminal (time 07:22)
Weather today
Humidity 84%
Wind speed 10 km/h
Weather alert -
Current status

Here, products arrive at a standard pace, but what stands out is the loading - it can take quite a long time. Ships can be slow to depart but the actual sea journey is pretty quick.

From the moment of purchase to arrival at the terminal

5-13 days

From arrival at the terminal to loading into the container*

17-51 days

From loading into the container to the ship's departure

9-47 days

From the ship's departure to the ship's arrival

18-42 days
Rotterdam Terminal (time 13:22)
Weather today
Humidity 80%
Wind speed 17 km/h
Weather alert -
Current status

Rotterdam is all about what happens after the ship arrives. They're super fast at unloading and getting through customs. Picking up your product takes an average amount of time, but if you're waiting for documents, it might take a bit longer than you'd like.

From the ship's arrival to unloading from the container

1-5 days

From unloading from the container to vehicle release (customs clearance)

1-4 days

From vehicle release to vehicle pickup

1-9 days

From vehicle pickup to document shipping

4-9 days
* This does not apply to oversized vehicles or vehicles that were acquired from an auction without documentation allowing for export outside the USA.